
website-pic-2.jpg - 12273 BytesSelect PNG offers a targeted and professional approach to executive recruitment in PNG. We are a boutique agency with a true understanding of PNG’s corporate community, culture and people. We have our finger on the pulse in terms of global recruitment trends and will combine this knowledge with our local knowledge to offer only the very best service to our selected Clients. We know that choosing the right people for our clients, an in-depth understanding of the position along with detailed industry knowledge and experience are essential. We will work with you and will keep you updated and informed to ensure a successful placement for your organisation.

Join the Select PNG group of applicants and send in your resume we will endeavour to find the perfect job for you.

Contact us now
  • Allyson Young
    Managing Consultant

  • P.O. Box 177
    Port Moresby NCD 121
    Papua New Guinea

  • Tel/Fax: +675 321 1416
    Mobile: +675 7694 9796

  • Email Contact

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